Monday, September 1, 2008


So what you didn't hear about the Skunk incident is what poor Chris was doing while we where at the grocery store. He decided to get started removing the skunk from Sophie's coat. So he runs upstairs and puts on a old swimsuit and a white t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off. I tell you all this because the poor guy did look a bit ridiculous. He's washing the dog and nearly throwing up. Picture it, his night has already taken a pretty miserable turn when...the sprinklers turn on and soak them both. SH%$! Now, Chris is soaked, Sophie is soaked and still smelling like skunk butt. About this time we pull up from the grocery store, simultaneously it begins to pour rain! Now, Chris SO wet and SO miserable and gagging and barefoot on the back patio and he hasn't even gotten to the 'magic potion' yet. We finally make it and he douses her with it twice. Poor guy, I definitely got the good end of that deal with a run to the grocery store!


carrie fudickar said...

I think you need to add "skunk" to your list of possible halloween costumes.

Lauren said...

I thought about painting a white stripe down Sophie's back and letting her be the skunk for Halloween!!