Monday, September 22, 2008

Pukey McPukersons

Friday night was hard. My poor little guy has been a under the weather the last few days. First of all, we are getting all 4 (count them...4!) canine teeth at the same time. That CAN'T be fun. This is contributing to the runny nose and diarrhea. ALERT! ALERT!! If you are not comfortable reading or hearing about children's bowel movements and vomit, then you shouldn't be reading my blog!! Anyways, Friday night Chris left for his fly fishing trip for the weekend. (if I EVER get to see the pics of Chris in waders, I so promise to post them!) But, I digress...on with the story. Nolan wouldn't eat ANYTHING! He threw an entire plate of food on the floor and preceded to scream while nibbling on bread and cheese stick. You know the boy is sick, when he won't eat green peas!! Don't ask me why, but he LOVES green peas. So, we clean ourselves up and get ready for bed. I gave him 1/2 a tsp of Baby Zyrtec to help with the runny nose, it really makes it  hard  to breathe at night. Beyond that, everything seemed normal, he didn't make any unusual sounds and I had the monitor on. So, I wake up in the morning and I can smell puke down the hall from his room. When you can smell it two rooms away through a closed door you know it's bad. I went in and needed a haz-mat suit for his room! Holy Moly was it stinky and everywhere. Poor guy had slept in it ALL NIGHT LONG! It was everywhere, on the sheets, on the mattress cover, on Taggy, on Rabble the stuffed dog, on the stuffed mouse, the pillow, the blanket, the bumper and Nolan....all over Nolan. I had a soccer game to get to so I went into AUTO MOM MODE. In AUTO MOM MODE, you do things without thinking, you become a robot. AUTO MOM MODE is a defense mechanism to help prevent utter and complete chaos. We handled ourselves well and got out of the house on time. Nolan had a bath, EVERYTHING got put in the washing machine and windows were opened. I was proud of us, but not of me. I slowly realized that giving a baby Zyrtec on a virtually empty stomach was NOT a good idea. It must have bounced off the bottom of his stomach immediately. I assume he threw up in the 2 minutes after I left the room. I have learned my lesson. 
Here's the problem with all of this, his room still smells like puke. So now that we have cleared the house of both skunk and poop, we now are living with puke smell. The irony is almost overwhelming. 

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