Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I realized the other day that we have a lot of nicknames for our kids. (yes, I'm counting Sophie as a kid!) I'll have to explain a few. 
NPR (Nolan Patrick Rhodes, not National Public Radio!)
Big Guy
Nolanoscopy (Chris's not mine. I don't like it, but whatever.)
Snots McGee
Pukey McPukersons
The Sophers
Missy Smelliott
Monkey Face
Skunk Butt Poo Face
White Trash Club Foot
I know have to explain this last one. When we first got Sophie we were living in a teeny-tiny apartment on the beach in San Francisco. Chris would run with her early in the morning. One day she yelped, but continued to chase her ball. Two days later she started limping and I had to check her toes. Poor thing had stepped into someone's bonfire on the beach that had been smoldering all night. By the time I got to her foot, it was swollen and gooey and infected. Ouch! So the vet treated her by putting her in a bandage. She obviously couldn't run outside like this so their solution was to put an IV back over her bandaged foot and to tape it. Their tape quickly wore off and we had to retape the silly IV bag with duct tape. Hence: White Trash Club Foot. It paints the picture pretty well, don't you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grandma Toni also calls Nolan "my buddy", "my lil buddy" and 'cutie-patootie'.