Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lost In Translation

I will probably keep coming back to this subject, but little people learning the English language is so amazing to me. Nolan has a few new words which are so cute I can hardly contain myself. It's obvious to me what he's saying, but out of context (similar to namar = yogurt) it might not be so straight forward. I'll give you the Nolan version of the word and I think it would be interesting to see if anyone can guess the real word. Of course, creativity is always welcome.

1. Wahwoo
2. Mahmoe
3. Bahboo

If you'd like to post a suggestion just add it as a comment on this post. I look forward to seeing your answers. I'll post the most creative and the actual translation in a couple of days!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wahoo = water

mahmoe = more

bahboo = bath