Friday, September 12, 2008

Nolan and mom's gold flats.

Nolan loved walking in my flats yesterday. They were the first pair of mommy or daddy shoes that he could keep on his feet. He's been trying desperately all summer to wear daddy's flip flops and couldn't keep those on to save his life. There's just not enough room between those cute little toes. Ballet flats seem to work really well though. He can shove those little toddler feet all the way inside. When he walks they made the most wonderful sound...flaawack, flaawack, flaawack, flaawack! Of course, he chose the room with the best acoustics, the foyer. Just thought I'd share a really cute Nolan moment with all of you. We had a couple of these yesterday, but this was my favorite.  I am also adding a slideshow of some of the days highlights. Enjoy.

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