Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What a Day!!

Most days are good, some days are not. Today should have been a good day. Nolan goes to Mom's (Moms Out for the Morning) at the JCC on Wednesdays. I drop him off at 9am and pick him up at 1pm. It gives me a half day a week to run errands or take care of appointments.  I have taken these first couple of weeks to myself and today I went to get my nails done. (Unfortunately, next week is the dentist.) But the morning started off harsh. Both Chris and I were up with Nolan during the night. Then he woke up this morning at 6am!! Our norm is 7:30am and I'm sure you can guess which I prefer. Poor guy had a runny nose and was having a hard time breathing at night, SO NOT fun. I let him watch Blues Clues in bed with me for a while then we were up and THAT started with Nolan screaming. We screamed through our milk, through our breakfast, through putting our jacket on, through getting in the car. Finally, we calmed down on the drive over to class. I drop him off and of course he screamed  bloody murder when I left. I had to bolt down the stairs, if I hung around too long I wouldn't have been able to leave him. Just to give you an idea, the next 4 hours were the only quiet ones out of my day. I swam at the pool and then went to get my nails done. When I went back to get Nolan, his nose is still running and he was cranky and tired. He won't take a nap at Mom's, so he ALWAYS falls asleep on the car ride home. Now, at this time we will usually take a 3 hour nap...NOT today, 1 hour 30 minutes....he just can't breathe. I give him some baby Zyrtek, hoping it will clear him up and possibly go back to sleep. He screams in my lap for half an hour, in the crib for half an hour, so I get him up. He screams downstairs and in the yard straight until dinner. (We're talking from 3pm through 6pm.) Only then does he calm down because I put the Backyardigans on TV. I usually do everything I can not to use the TV as a babysitter, but there are days, like today, that it just has to happen. The only reason he ate dinner instead of scream and throw it, was because the television was on. But there is a limit in my house, so I turn it off and we go back to screaming until bedtime. He is now asleep. HALLELUJAH!! Poor guy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

been there - done that. I sure wish I lived close enough to sit for you and give you some time off. Love that boyo!!!