Saturday, August 30, 2008


It's a good thing that Sophie is cute and that we love her VERY VERY much, because she truly tested our patience last night. We were having a nice evening with our friends Justin and Destiny, playing cards and drinking wine, as we do when Nolan goes down to bed. Sophie had been outside for a little while and barked to get in. Chris let her in and she went over to the carpet in the living room. The stench was overwhelming...made you want to gag, throw up, gag again, throw up...We threw her outside again. Anyone who knows Sophie, knows she's a vermit chaser and herder. Well, here's one vermit she's never seen before. She chases but never catches and if she gets her prey cornered she stops and looks at them blankly as if to say, 'why did you stop running?' which is what we can only assumed happened with the skunk before it turned around and sprayed her point blank into the face. It's midnight mind you and I have a couple of glasses of wine in me, so we jump on the internet and find the magic solution:
1. for the dog= 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 2 tbsp dawn, 1/2c baking soda
2. for carpet= 1 quart white vinegar, 2 tbsp dawn, 1/2c baking soda
Off we run to the grocery store (with my sober friend driving) to get the necessary supplies. While at the grocery store we realized that it's in our CLOTHES. None of us touched Sophie or got within 15 feet of her and we the point of gagging reak!! Thank GOD for Justin and Destiny. Chris washed the dog, Justin moved heavy stuff, Destiny and I concocted the magic potion. After about 2 hours of mayhem and burning throats we feel like it's as much as we can do. Our noses burned throughout the night and still do to a certain extent. We had to leave all the windows open last night, but unfortunately she got sprayed right in the middle of the backyard so eventually we were pulling the smell back into the house. It rained last night and I think that will be our saving grace, hopefully it will push it into the ground. I have to get the carpet and upholstery cleaned next week and I think we will all be sorted. Sophie smells like a clean(ish) dog, now except for her cute little nose, which is where I think she took the brunt of the spray and we CANNOT get the smell out of her nose. Poor girl.


Unknown said...

My poor little Sophie. It was inevitable I guess as she is such a herder and chaser of varmits. My Riley dog got skunked twice and the smell is just horrendous! I understand the gag reflex perfectly!
I hope all is sorted when you get the carpets cleaned. Don't forget about the drapes too.

carrie fudickar said...

That is hilarious/horrible. I love your blog! I can find out what everyone else is doing! Carrie