Friday, October 3, 2008

Neglected Blog

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but nothing exciting has happened lately and consequently my blog has been sadly neglected. Honestly, I've been engrossed in this election . I do have a video to post soon, but Chris has to convert it for me, so that will take some time. But stayed tuned I promise it will make you SMILE. I won't be able to post until next week. I'm going to Pennsylvania tomorrow to campaign for Barack Obama. Now you know who I am supporting. That's going to be the extent of my politics in this venue, because if you got me started I wouldn't stop. The intent of blogging is to bring up to date news about Sophie and Nolan. I know, I know...not so up to date today, but I promise to post something fun soon. Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Just catching up on all the pic's. Can't wait to see the boy in person! He is sooooo cute!

(yep, haven't changed my Google ID yet, so I'm still "Mom" even to you!)