Monday, September 8, 2008

Charmin and Bounty

Our BIG task for today was a trip to Costco. I love big box stores, especially when it's during the week and they aren't overcrowded. Anyway, we have returned from our mini adventure and I have brought everything inside. The paper towels and toilet paper come in massive quantities, the Bounty has 12 MEGA rolls, which they claim is the equivalent of 20 regular rolls and the Charmin comes in a package of 30 JUMBO rolls, which I guess is the equivalent of 75 regular rolls. I tell you this, because since we arrived home, 25 minutes ago, Nolan cannot get off of them. We have all these cars, blocks, puzzles, BALLS and scooters for him to play with and most of them light up or talk to you or play music!! What does he want to do? He wants to push around massive packages of toilet paper and paper towels and climb on them. We've lined the two packs up in various configurations and now we have put them in front of the sliding glass door to sit on!! I guess that gives him a better view of the backyard OH! Now we have realized we can stand on them and reach the door handle!!! It's a good thing he isn't strong enough to open it, because then I'd really be in trouble!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It won't be long until he CAN open the door and escape!
Kids do the funniest things ever.
Forget all of the expensive, educational toys he has. Give him a case of tp and a case of paper towels and he is good for at least an hour!!!