Friday, September 12, 2008

The Baby Powder Incident

I have done a lot of blogging today, but this takes the cake! So from now on, today will always be remembered as the 'Baby Powder Incident'. I was watching Bonnie Hunt's new show and turned my attention away from Nolan for just a minute. She was telling a heart warming story about her dog passing away. Being a dog owner, and someone who has recently realized that Sophie is already through half her life, I was sad for Bonnie. I looked over to check on Nolan and he is standing in the middle of the eat-in kitchen area with an open bottle of baby powder and he is shaking it with all his might. My kitchen began to look like a scene from CSI. 
We have the area of the incident (see photo #1) plus areas of splatter. (see photo #2) The perpetrator himself was covered in the powder. It was obvious to me what had occured. (see photos #3 & 4) Despite the looming fact that I had to bring in the hazmat crew (me, myself & I) to deal with this situation, I laughed until I cried. Then I asked the perpetrator to remain where he was so I could retrieve my camera and record the evidence. Unbelievably, the suspect showed ABSOLUTELY no remorse for his actions. 
But I have to say, at least the house smells like baby powder instead of skunk. There is that.


carrie fudickar said...

This is great! Sorry about not commenting more. I don't get a lot of comments on mine either, but I put google analytics on it for free and can check how many people read it each day and also where they are checking it from. Its pretty cool, and free but a bit of a hassle to get on there! Carrie

Jacks said...

Too funny! I would also prefer baby powder to skunk ;) Thanks for sharing this with me. xo, Jackie

Janet said...

I don't think the little perp is repentant at all. In fact, he looks proud of himself!