Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Carters Before Photos

I've wanted to share these for a while, but now I finally have them scanned. These are the initial photos and observations take by Cranial Technologies. After seeing these photos, (especially when the talk about how it was affecting the front of his face) I knew in my heart something had to be done. Us mothers, we have a tendency to see our children through our own little smoke screen. I've always seen Carter as the beautiful fat baby that he is. I think my mind rounded his head out for me. I knew it was flat, but didn't understand how flat until I saw these photos. I seriously thought they would have laughed me out of the room, when I went to see Cranial Tech. On the contrary, Carter was a severe case and looked like many of their Brachycephaly before and after photos. It's pretty amazing. This will also give you a benchmark for when we finally get the helmet off, we can look back and compare. Again, comment if you have any questions.

In case you can't read it I am going to type in the observations Cranial Tech made here.

(top) Carter is a 5.75 month old male referred to Cranial Technologies for the treatment of his brachycephaly. He presents with left occipital flattening, right frontal flattening and associated facial assymetry. He has an ear shift with the left ear anterior to the right and an increased head width to length ratio.
(bottom) Increased posterior head height; sloped forehead
Left occipital flattening; right frontal flattening; increased head to width length ratio: left eye and cheek anterior to right.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so pleased that Carter is making progress. He is so adorable. I think it is so cute that Nolan takes th lead and introduces his"round head".
I can't wait to see you. Lots of love!