Thursday, June 3, 2010

4 weeks in the DOC Band

We've been in the DOC Band for 4 weeks now. We had an appointment yesterday and we are showing positive results. Amy said that the lower shelf on the back of his skull is really starting pop out. It's definitely noticeable. With that moving out the highest point of his skull has moved forward, which is what we want to see. When we went for our initial appointment Gina said we might need to go through 2 treatments. I asked Amy if she thought this might be the case, but she didn't want to speculate this early. We will have at least another two months in this particular band and if we still need more adjustment we will then have to go to another band. I'm really hoping to be done by the end of July. I'd prefer not to spend the entire summer in it. Chris has gifted both boys with super sensitive skin. So Carter is prone to heat rash while wearing the helmet. Not only will he get it on his head, he will get prickly heat on his chest too. So this is something we have to watch out for. Another mom on Facebook has found a dog bed that you wet down and it stays cool for several hours. She uses it on her child's stroller and finds that it really helps. I think I'll invest in the same thing for Oklahoma. As you have gathered, I'm pretty concerned about the heat and humidity there. I think I'll go online shopping now!

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