Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Carter Update:

Turns out that Carter had a severe heat rash. He kept sweating against the helmet and that caused his skin breakdown. I can't begin to tell you how bad it stunk! Who knew? Cranial Tech called me first thing on Monday morning and got us in immediately. They didn't seem bothered by the rash and said it's very common. Carter sweats at night, so we have to make an effort to keep him cool in bed. No more footies, run the ceiling fan and towel his head off if he gets up at night. During the day, we have to take the Band off every couple of hours and towel off the helmet and his head.
The day Carter got the infection it was only 70 degrees outside. So I'm a bit apprehensive about the summer. When it gets really hot I think we'll have to take a few small breaks throughout the day in order to avoid situations like these. I'm his mother so of course I worry, but all in all, it was good news from Cranial Tech and Carter will be back in treatment starting tomorrow.

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