Sunday, May 16, 2010

This week...

On Wednesday, we were able to continue with treatment and Carter resumed his 23 hours on, 1 hour off schedule. The heat rash seemed terrible on Saturday, but only took a couple of days to heal. Once the red spots were gone we could resume. I have made a general rule: 70 degrees and under we take the band off every 2 hours for a minute to dry off Carter's head and the inside of the band...70 degrees and over, we do the same every 1 hour. So far, it's been working. Carter never ever wears socks or footies. Which I really don't mind, it means I always have access to those cute, fat piggies! He seems to have adapted really well, this second time around. We go back to Cranial Tech on Wednesday for another fitting. I'll update you more then.
In the meantime, Nolan has been showing off Carter's 'round head', he announces it to anyone and everyone while we are out. I actually think it helps to break the ice. It's obvious some people are unsure about the band and what it's for, but those people are few. I've been more surprised, by how many people approach us to either tell me that their niece, nephew, granddaughter, grandson...had one or to tell us how absolutely adorable Carter looks in his. Let's be honest, he is SO cute it's hard to resist. BUT maybe, I'm a little partial!

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