Saturday, May 8, 2010

Skin Breakdown

So, one of your major concerns with the DOC Band is skin breakdown. Cranial Tech makes you do skin checks every 3 hours the first 2 days of therapy. If there aren't any concerns then you can proceed to the 23 hour a day schedule. Carter's skin was recovering nicely from his pressure areas so we were able to go to the 23 hour schedule on time. But today (our 3rd full day of treatment) we all noticed a funny odor and I could see something yellowish coming out from the band. So when I took it off, Carter had a huge 'angry' spot on his right side and across the back. The inside of his band has turned yellow on the edges which is a major concern for me. I've already washed the helmet per Cranial Tech's instructions and Carter will not be wearing it until we get into see someone on Monday. Sensitive skin runs in this family and Carter might just be cursed in that department. His father and brother both have skin issues. I'm just concerned about what happens next. Especially now that there is a yellowing to Carter's band. I'll let you know more after our next appointment.

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