Tuesday, May 25, 2010

IKEA and the Peabody Museum

We went to Carter's fitting last week. He's already showing improvement, which a great sign since we are only 3 weeks into treatment. Amy did say, we still have a long way to go. That's obvious, but it was nice to see some results. I had a return to make to IKEA so on the way back I took Nolan into their playarea. You can actually drop off a potty trained toddler for up to an hour while you shop. It's like the best idea EVER. So Carter and I had a little time to mess around while Nolan got to stretch his legs from spending so much time in the car. He loves it there. As a big treat to Nolan we drove to the Yale campus and went to the Peabody Museum. Think of a mini Museum of Natural History. The great hall has dinosaur bones. Nolan knew the names of all of them. I had to read the plaques to make sure he was right, and sure enough, he was right about all of them. Nolan got to see an apatosaurus, a stegosaurus, a t-rex skull, a triceratops skull and a velociraptor. He was enamored. He ran from dinosaur to dinosaur, pointing them all out. It really made his day, which was good since Carter gets a lot of the attention during fittings. We have a zoo, a beach and an outlet mall to visit. OK, OK! That last one is for me.

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