Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Carter's 8 Week Before and After Photos

We went to Cranial Tech today and had digital photos taken for the insurance company. It helps explain to them why Carter needs treatment. Now we wait to see if they will cover the second DOC Band. The results are nothing short of amazing. I didn't expect to be so emotional when Amy showed them to me. But the images really spoke for themselves and let me know that all this worry and stress was worth it.
When you look at them look at Carter's front on photo and you will notice that he had one cheek larger than the other, his right eye and ear weren't in alignment and drooped lower than his left. Also, his temples were too wide for his head, the top of his head squared off and his forehead sloped. This was all a result from the flattening pushing his brain forward. The picture on the left is before and on the right is after. Look at the difference. I can't believe how symmetrical his face is in comparison to his before photo. I hope you can see the improvements. Also, the last 2 photos on the second page really illustrate how much of his flattening has disappeared. I can not explain to you the utter amazement I have felt every time I look at these. I have always known there was improvement, but really couldn't grasp it until Amy showed them to me side by side.
Please ask if you have any questions. I just feel that these images are a testament to what Cranial Tech can do for children. These changes occured over 8 weeks! That's it. Pediatrician's really need to get on board with this technology. It's so easy to do now and I know it's going to be the best thing for my son.

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