Monday, June 7, 2010

Poconos and Crawling

This weekend we had an invite from Justin & Destiny to join them at their parent's lake house in the Poconos. It was a last minute trip, but a great one. We were so fortunate that the drive was only 2 1/2 hours away and the boys were so good. They are great little travelers. This adventure was more for Nolan than Carter. They have access to a great little beach with a kids pool. Nolan spent hours in the sand and running into the water. He loved splashing around with his feet. At first he was timid, but the more he was in the water the farther in he went. He wears a 'tortoise shell' which helps him swim. It's not a flotation aid, but keeps him upright and on top of the water, so he has to do the work. He really seemed to enjoy himself. Nolan has been having a tough time at swim class. He's timid in the water, scared to jump in or even swim sometimes. So, we've stopped going. It's an actual regression and Chris and I felt that he was assigning some kind of negative stigma to the JCC pool and class in particular. So we have been looking for ways to get into the water where it's a completely fun experience. I just want him to be a kid and enjoy summer. Maybe we'll pick up swimming classes again later.
In the meantime, Carter was doing a great job hanging out at the beach. He got a little extra time out of his DOC band in order to avoid a heat rash, but this was just one morning. He wasn't sure what to make of the kiddie pool. I held him the entire time. He loved observing what was going on around him, but seemed petrified if he got in past his waist. While at the Lake house, we discovered Carter's new favorite toy. An empty water bottle. You buy them all kinds of things you think will be stimulating or interesting, but no. What do they like? Water bottles and cardboard boxes. Touche. While playing with his water bottle, Carter crawled for the first time at the lake house in the Poconos. It wasn't far, maybe 6 feet, but Carter REALLY wanted that water bottle and worked his way over on his hands and knees. I'm not ready to have two mobile children, but it looks like I don't have a choice. Congratulations Carter!!

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