Friday, November 14, 2008

Hugs and Kisses XOXO

Right now, Nolan is into hugs and kisses. Of course, I'm addicted to it. I must ask for hundreds of kisses a day. In actuality, I probably receive somewhere between 10-20. Look at that face! Wouldn't you LOVE to get 10-20 kisses from him a day? But at the same time it slowly breaks my heart, because I know the day will come when he won't be so excited to kiss and hug his mom. There will be a time when he might not want to be seen in public with his aging, uncool, clingy mother. I know it's there and it's inevitable. It's just a line drawn in the sand and everyday we get closer and closer. He won't hate me, dispise me or even blame me for messing him up, but he will have friends in high school. It won't be 'cool' to hang out with your parents anymore, let alone give them hugs and kisses. So, I soak it up and relish in the fact that right now he asks to get on the couch and in my lap, so he can declare 'HUG!' in his cute little voice and proceed to give me the most pure and honest little person hug imaginable. And for that I am thankful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please tell him to save some for Grandma Toni and Grandma janet. We need lots of hugs and kisses!