Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mr. President-Elect Obama (my one and only political blog)

I just like saying it..."Mr. President-Elect Obama". Soon it will be Mr. President Obama and then we can really celebrate. Chris and I were talking today and when Obama's administration is over (hopefully in 8 years) Nolan will be approaching his 10th birthday. My son will not know a world without an African-American President. He won't understand that the free world has been ran by old white men for the last 200+ years. And he will never really understand the enormity of this past election and the lengths that many went to to get Barack Obama elected. I, for one, know that JFK's assassination altered this country forever, but I will never know what my mother and father felt the moment they heard that news. Nolan will know that his mother volunteered for a campaign for the first time in her life because she felt that his future depended on it, he will know that his father and I donated money to a campaign (on numerous occasions) and that his mother and Auntie Alison travelled to Pennsylvania to knock on doors ourselves. What makes me sad is that he will not remember the night that Obama was elected. He'll never understand absolute historic nature of that day. He won't remember his mom and dad jumping up and down, looking like fools, popping champagne and toasting to his future. His mom crying at the gracious John McCain, then crying at Oprah and Jesse Jackson in Grant Park and nearly sobbing during Obama's election speech. I was watching history and what's more I was actually a part of it. I had been in campaign offices and on phones and on doorsteps. I spoke to a 70 year old republican couple in PA who ran out of their home to tell us they were voting Democrat for the first time in their lives. I spoke to undecideds who knew that it was time to change. For the first time I felt like part of something, the part of something really big. He will never truly understand, but Nolan will know that I did it all for him. And I'll do it all again in 4 years, Mr. President-Elect Obama.

1 comment:

carrie fudickar said...

This is a great post. I totally agree. I would have liked to be in the US for this election! I did not have the enthusiasm to stay up until 3am to hear the results so we had a nice pancake party at the Brits house and found out the results there. I can't believe how big nolan is! I can't wait to see you all in a few weeks! Carrie