Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Activities

We had a great Halloween this year. Nolan had 2 costumes. On the 30th we went to Alison's house for a babe Halloween Party. Nolan went to Alison's as a cowboy. For his birthday his Aunt Susan got him a buckaroo outfit with cordoroy overalls. I found Nolan a hat at Gymboree and added a bandana. SOOOOOOO cute! Nolan's Halloween night costume was white and I planned on taking studio pics of the kids so I didn't want him to get pumpkin innards all over his white costume. After the party, we went to an annual event called the Jack O Lantern Blaze. It's a maze of thousands of Jack O Lanterns, some set up as huge installations. I've taken Nolan 2 years now and will continue to do so as long as we are here. It's really an amazing event. On Halloween night we had a party for all of Nolan friends and had a great turn out! I put up a backdrop and took studio pics of all the kids. You will find slideshows of both events on the right. 

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