Thursday, August 28, 2008

The on-going battle over dog food.

My clever little man has figured out that if he RUNS towards the dining room (where the dog's food and water are currently held) he gets a reaction out of Sophie. Primarily, chasing and grrrrring. I say 'grrrrring' because if you know Sophie, it's not really a growl, but a small friendly warning.
Poor girl, she has been SOOOooooo patient when it comes to her food and water, but recently I guess she has hit her limit. It's a daily battle to keep Nolan from putting his fingers in the water and then in his mouth. 'Mmmm...wa'er.' I can't count how many times I have stopped him just short of eating her food. The real fun for him I think is tormenting the dog and being chased. Chris and I bought a stand alone dog gate to seperate the formal living room and the dining room because the space is too wide for a standard tension gate. Nolan can now get passed this as well, it's not very heavy and he just drags it enough that he and Sophie creep through...together no less. I have been on a mission yesterday and today to find something that I can attach to the bottom of this gate to make it more difficult to move. Currently there is a chair and a half sitting in front of the very expensive and now obsolete gate. Home Depot was useless. He said...'just put something heavy in front of it.'
No....really?!?! Geez I hadn't thought of that. I'm just a useless stay at home mom with no problem solving skills. If that were a permanent solution then I wouldn't be here now would I? I finally ended up at Wal-Mart, good 'ol Wal-Mart, they have things to fix jaloppy problems like mine. I have some super-sticky rug tape and I REALLY hope it works!

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