Monday, August 25, 2008

Hospital Survey

Stamford Hospital had the nerve to send me a survey about our Immediate Care Experience. Let's tick things off...shall we?
1. They couldn't find Nolan on our insurance even though his name is printed on the card.
2. The only thermometer the nurse had was an ear thermometer, which Nolan HATES. He preceded to rip his wound open more struggling against the nurse who was trying take his temp. Forehead thermometers are an AMAZING breakthrough!! Buy one.
3. We waited over an hour from the time we saw a nurse to the time we saw a doctor.
4. She wasn't even a doctor, but a doctor's assistant and the only person 'available'.
5. She used regular sutures instead of dissolving stitches on an 17 month old toddler. HELLO!
6. We arrived before 3pm and didn't leave until 6pm and there were only 3 patients ahead of us. Is there no priority for a bleeding baby?
So needless to say, I ripped them a new one on their so called 'SURVEY'. What's sad is I doubt it will do any good.

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