Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Secret Language of Nolan Rhodes

Toddlers learning the English Language is beginning to fascinate me. So I thought I'd give you small a tutorial in Baby Talk. Here are some of Nolan's favorite words and substutions thereof:
She = Fish
Ball = Ball
Obie = Sophie
Goo Gah = Good Girl
Nar or Namar = Yogurt (I seriously don't get this substitution)
Moe or Moi = Milk
More = More
Abah = Airplane
Car = Car
Wa'er = Water
Choos = Shoes
Burr = Bird
We are working on this last one. According to many books on the subject, you should ignore them. Uhuh...try doing that all day without pulling out your hair.  Our favorite is to scream while in the high chair and throwing food EVERYWHERE! This age is so much fun. We can communicate now and I don't have to get off the couch to retrieve the remote control! How great is that?!?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lauren - I think you left one word off your list of "Nolan words".
Grandma - it changes from sounding like G'm to Grrrr, but I love it anyway it comes out!!!!
He is a love.
My poor Sophie. She has been such a good girl about letting him rule the roost,"pet" her and play with her toys.... I don't blame her for being testy.
FYI - Dog food won't hurt them. Ask your husband about the taste of puppy chow.