Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nolan got his stitches out.

So, it's been a while since I posted anything. I'm still getting used to this whole blog scene. 
Last week Nolan got his stitches out. Chris was so concerned about the scar and whether they had done an adequate job at the hospital. (He's a little paranoid due to a traumatic experience as a child.) We went to the pediatrician's office, so we wouldn't have to wait 3 hours just to get stitches out. I took a blanket, knowing they probably wouldn't have anything to hold Nolan's arms down. It was fortunate that I did, because they were ill prepared for a fighter such as my boy. I swaddled Nolan and he put up his argument, but the stitches were out before I could blink. The doctor did such an amazing job! She had them out in probably less than a minute. His scar looks tight and really good:) I'm pleased with the job done at the hospital. The scar goes right through his eyebrow and I'm a little worried his hair won't grow in there, but it makes him look tough. My rough and tumble little boy! 


Anonymous said...

Like I told Chris, chicks dig scars so when he's older he may change the story from coffee table to bar fight. Blog is a great idea - thanks! XXOO Barb and Jim

carrie fudickar said...

Max has a scar through his eyebrow too, and it is kind of cute actually. In Barbara's house there is a game called, "make me into a burrito" which involves tightly wrapping the kid into a blanket with his arms inside. I don't know why they like it but they do and this came in very handy when Max stuck a few peas up his nose and again when he got some stitches.