Monday, December 8, 2008

Pukey McPukersons!

Nolan went to a friend's house on Saturday night. We were aware in advance that the family had just gotten over a stomach bug. Our friends, Chad and Virginia assured us they were clear of it. Unfortunately, this sickness must stick around and is highly contagious, because Nolan now has it. It's really our fault. We discussed the possibility that Nolan might get sick and to keep him home, but they had a babysitter and Nolan was going to stay at their house while we all went to a party in the city together. The idea of an evening out with adults was much to alluring for us, I suppose. Not to mention, that many of the people there were from the London office and we only get to see once or twice a year. 
So, this evening, the bug finally caught up with Nolan. I feel like such a horrible mother. I had made him fish sticks, mac and cheese and mixed veggies for dinner. He wasn't having any of it and kept asking to get down. I told him that he wasn't allowed down until he ate some dinner. Finally, after taking 2 bites, he looked at me with sheer terror on his face and threw up EVERYWHERE! Not once, not twice, not three times...but 6 times!! It's amazing how much a toddler's stomach can hold. I had to just let him sit there in his booster chair and puke it all out. So, I stripped off his clothes, put them to soak and ran upstairs to give him a bath. A quick bath later, he seemed pretty happy in PJ's and we waited for daddy to come home. I, meanwhile, had a massive task of getting puke off the table, off the booster, off the chair and off the floor (no wait, not off the floor because the dog ate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, she ate it.) So, Chris gets home and notices puke in Sophie's hair. I had to explain to him that this lovely dog of ours likes to eat puke off the floor....while the baby is still puking! Oh, the joys of motherhood. I gave Nolan a few minutes for his stomach to settle and gave him some pedialyte and crackers. I needed to know if he could keep anything down. He seemed to be enjoying both when Chris says 'Hey, are you all right?' and 'Are you going to puke again?' I bet you know the answer to that question. Chris picked him up to move him from the carpet to the kitchen, when BARF! All over Chris's front and the carpet. By the time he got to the hardwood floor all he could do was hold Nolan at chest level and let Nolan puke on him again and again. Poor dad! Oh, the joys of fatherhood. So again, a bath, PJ's and this time bed. He's puked again in the crib and we hope the worst is over.  
Chad and Virginia eventually picked it up from Ethan, that's how they knew it wasn't food related. So, the rough bit is doing absolutely everything for your baby possible, all the while knowing you are next. Impending doom. At least you know I won't be bringing it to Oklahoma anytime soon. Actually that's where Chad and Virginia think Ethan picked it up. They were in Tulsa for Thanksgiving too! And it all comes full circle, I love life's little ironies!!

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