Monday, December 15, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Pukey McPukersons

So, you may have already heard...Chris and I both came down with Nolan's stomach bug.  I won't go into a lot detail here, talking about Chris and I being sick is MUCH MUCH different than talking about Nolan being sick. Let's just say we were both bedroom and bathroom bound for a good 7-8 hours. Fortunately, I was hit after Nolan when to bed. Which is a blessing in disguise, because in my condition I could not have cared for my son, but the downside was the lack of sleep. The next day was a Thursday and I woke up thinking I was so much better, but that was in relative terms. If you compared my symptoms to the ones I had the day before, I was awesome...for awhile. Massive dehydration began to sit in around mid morning. In my mind, I was still getting on a plane to Chicago the next day, so I had some errands to run before we left, but I could NOT get myself to set foot in my car. I still had a HUGE stomach ache, which meant I couldn't eat or drink much of anything. Slowly, my head started to explode...then my body started to ache, head to toe, everything hurt...and then the chills set in. I wasn't running a fever so the chills really confused me. I could NOT get warm. I finally looked up the symptoms of dehydration on the internet and I was nailing everything to a T,  much longer I would have needed an IV. I called Chris and ask him to come home early, which I NEVER do, so he knew it was bad. He brought me gatorade to help sort out my electrolytes. Then we had to cancel our trip to Chicago, which really SUCKED. I had been looking forward to it since we booked our flights back in October. Chris and I were going to have our first weekend away without Nolan. Nothing but adults and dinner out and bottles of wine. Just like the old days. Instead we stayed at home and rested. Chris took a 4 hour nap on Saturday. Finally, we are starting to feel better. Nolan still has a wicked cough, which I have to get checked out this week, but other than that we are well.  Hopefully, we can stay healthy. I hope, I hope, I hope.

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