Sunday, December 7, 2008

Family of Sickies go to Oklahoma

So, we went to Tulsa for Thanksgiving. Of course, we brought with us a nasty nasty nasty bug from CT. I think Nolan must have picked it up in babysitting at the JCC. I've had some form of it since Halloween. Chris has had it, now my mother has it. I want to publicly apologize to anyone we might have infected. I am so very sorry, because it really SUCKS. You will feel fine for a couple of days, and then BAM you've got it again. Despite all of this, we had a nice week. We both took advantage of having a Grandmas and Grandpa around and rested up while we could. We also had some other activities such as cousin Maddox's little birthday party at Incredible Pizza and massive Guitar Hero addiction. The kids had fun with each other and we ate ourselves sick as you do on Thanksgiving. I've added some highlights from the week below, but click on the slideshow to the right and it will link you to the Picasa web album. 

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