Saturday, October 18, 2008

A reason to Welcome cold weather...

One reason to welcome cold weather, babies in adorable hats!! Only when they are little can you get away with putting your child in a hat that you, yourself would NOT be caught dead in! We have a problem with Nolan (as most parents do with children this age), he will NOT keep a hat on. We didn't have this problem last year, but he was also only 7 months old then. So recently, knowing that the change in temp was quickly approaching, I went on a massive hunt for a hat that Nolan would keep on. It had to have a strap under the chin, so this automatically rules out 80% of the winter hats out there. After a long trip the mall, we found the one pictured. Which I would never wear, but looks so stinking cute on Nolan!! Today was our first REAL fall day. The leaves are changing and it's my favorite time of year on the East Coast. You put up with winter and snow and ice, so you can experience fall in New England. It's amazing. I hope you enjoy my #1 reason to welcome the cold. Babies in hats! It doesn't get much cuter than this!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lauren - As stinking cute as he looks in that hat - he will NOT forgive you when he is in high school for it. Just ask his father - who looked equally as cute in the hats that I found for him at that age.....