Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First Day of School

Today was our first day of nursery school. (i will be posting some Christmas Day images soon! i promise) Nolan and his friend Taylor go to school together. It's a 3 hour program, 2 times a week and it's pretty much just structured play. When you drop them off they go to 'circle time', which is sitting on the rug and singing songs. This is primarily designed to allow the mom's to leave without any fuss. Next is snack time, followed by an 'art project'. This must have been finger paints today because Nolan's fingers and nose came back yellow. Then they take a break from art to go to either the KidZone or Playground. Then back to the room for more art, then lunch, and then more singing. Finally we pick them up around 12:30. Cortney and I were a little worried about dropping them off in a new room. Nolan usually fusses some when I drop him off at babysitting, but this room has some pretty cool toys. So, the kids were not bothered. Don't let the door hit ya on the way out Mom!! THEY LOVED IT!! The best part of the day was picking them up. You open the door and they sprint to the door screaming MOMMY! Right then, you are the most important person in the whole wide world. That feels good!

ps: thank you to all the grandmas who kitted nolan out for his first day of school. grandma toni got nolan his frog backpack, grandma janet got nolan his thomas the train lunchbox and grandma marilyn got him his gap outfit (which now has yellow paint on the sleeve of the sweater!!).

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