Monday, January 12, 2009

Amazing Nolan words...

It's probably not amazing to anyone else except for Chris and I, but in the last couple of weeks Nolan has some pretty amazing words and phrases in his vocabulary. Here are just a few....

automobile (we were tired of hearing car a hundred times while driving)
Mikhael (his swim teachers name...he's a little scared of him so it surpised me that he said it)
I fall down! (compliments of one Maddox Nobles!!)
Christmas Tree
Help me!
dumptruck (but comes out like dumpert)
firetruck (but comes out fire dumpert, too funny!!)
Cow on my milk. (Horizon milk, kinda juice boxes for milk, have a cow on it)
Wonder Pet 
Blues Clues (but comes out couscous)
Debbie (his babysitter at the JCC)
Taylor (but comes out Aylor or T)
frog (but comes out F%$K!!! I kid you not!)
backpack (he has a frog backpack and that's pretty funny when he says it!!)

The girls at the playdate on Friday were laughing at Nolan. They were saying you can always tell what Nolan is talking about even though he still speaks mostly in jibberish. The last word of his sentence is always clear. So it comes out something like this: Jibberjabber, jibberjabber, jibberjabber,!!  Jibberjabber, jibberjabber, jibberjabber, jibberjabber...ball!! Jibberjabber, jibberjabber, jibberjabber, jibberjabber...f%$k backpack! 

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