Sunday, October 26, 2008

I feel sorry for actors in Puppet Suits...

On Friday Jackie and I took Nolan and Ava to see Elmo Live. It was as fun as watching poor actors in puppet suits can be. I really felt sorry for them. First of all, how do their mouths move to the music? They are using their hands and feet to dance, but I couldn't figure out their flapping mouths. Second of all, it must be HELLA hot in those costumes. Can you imagine being on stage, under the lights in a full-on Grover costume? What that dressing room must smell like when the show is over...whew! Third, they don't get hardly any applause. Over half of the audience is under the age of 8 and the rest are parents trying to keep their kids from running down the aisles while trying to get a picture! So, there is the big TADA moment (jazz hands included) and it was like applause at bad dinner theatre...such sweaty work for little or no reward. I guess the actors know all this going into this kind of theatre.
Despite all that, the babies loved it! Nolan sat in my lap with his jaw completely open and occasionally he would point at the stage and say MeeMo!! MeeMo!! I did get a little choked up when they sang the Sesame Street theme song. 'Let me tell you how to to get to Sesame Street!' I knew all the words having grown up on Sesame Street (pre-Elmo & Abby Cadabby mind you) and there I was singing it to my son. I don't know, it was a little surreal and sweet and sad all at the same time.
After an hour and a half, Jackie and I had had enough of mouth flapping fuzzy dancing Sesame Street and left. It was noon and the babies were on a short fuze for some food and a nap. We passed another mom skipping out early and she said to us 'there is only so much Elmo you can take.' EXACTLY. Nolan and Ava could care less if they saw the end of the show, but I'll tell ya they were about to be really pissed off if we didn't feed them soon. So we hit the diner across the street just in time to sit down before every other Elmo fan came in. After lunch, we hit the road. The babies were asleep before we were out of the parking lot, which wasn't long since we missed the post show traffic by going to lunch. Elmo wore them out. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

Harvest Spooktacular

Yesterday was a harvest festival at the Stamford Nature Center. It was so cute. You can imagine, your typical fall festival things were there...face painting, hay rides, pumpkin patch, hay bale mazes, cider demonstrations and a jumparoo. Nolan and Ava really seemed to have a good time. Nolan has been interested in sheep and cows in his books and he says moo or bah when he sees the appropriate animal. He got to see those animals in person for the first time yesterday. He was nervous at first, but by the time he got to the sheep he was leaning over and yelling at them! One highlight of our day, was when a bull (a VERY big bull) reared up and started peeing EVERYWHERE! When they say cow pee splatters when hitting a rock... it is VERY true. We had to move the kids back to keep them from getting peed on! Other than that little mishap it was a beautiful fall day, with lovely changing colors! BTW, if you click on the slideshow on the right it will link to the original slideshow on Picasa and you can view the images in their original size. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A reason to Welcome cold weather...

One reason to welcome cold weather, babies in adorable hats!! Only when they are little can you get away with putting your child in a hat that you, yourself would NOT be caught dead in! We have a problem with Nolan (as most parents do with children this age), he will NOT keep a hat on. We didn't have this problem last year, but he was also only 7 months old then. So recently, knowing that the change in temp was quickly approaching, I went on a massive hunt for a hat that Nolan would keep on. It had to have a strap under the chin, so this automatically rules out 80% of the winter hats out there. After a long trip the mall, we found the one pictured. Which I would never wear, but looks so stinking cute on Nolan!! Today was our first REAL fall day. The leaves are changing and it's my favorite time of year on the East Coast. You put up with winter and snow and ice, so you can experience fall in New England. It's amazing. I hope you enjoy my #1 reason to welcome the cold. Babies in hats! It doesn't get much cuter than this!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Apple Picking

Jackie and I took Nolan and Ava apple picking today. Apple is one of Nolan new words. So while we were there he said apple over and over again. It was so very cute. We drove up to an orchard called the Outhouse in North Salem, NY. It's about 45 minutes north of us. We had a beautiful day today...75 degrees and sunny. I'm not complaining, but it would have been nice to have a crisp fall day. Would you believe that we picked apples the size of softballs? The babies loved the apples and the pumpkins and it turned out to be a great excursion! There are more photos in the slideshow on the right!

Monday, October 13, 2008

How cute are they?!?

Okay, I know it's only more pics on the porch, but I have to show off my amazing mums!! They are so beautiful this year. The colors are starting to change in Connecticut and it's gorgeous. I will take some photos of the colors when they are in full swing and post them for you. Some things to look forward to: Apple Picking, Harvest Festival, the Jack O Lantern Blaze and Halloween night. I'll post on all those as they happen. Here are my cute kids for now!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Bathtime for Bonzo

Okay, so I lied. I got these in tonight during his bath. We haven't taken any bathtime pics for awhile. So here they are. He was being spunky.

Neglected Blog

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but nothing exciting has happened lately and consequently my blog has been sadly neglected. Honestly, I've been engrossed in this election . I do have a video to post soon, but Chris has to convert it for me, so that will take some time. But stayed tuned I promise it will make you SMILE. I won't be able to post until next week. I'm going to Pennsylvania tomorrow to campaign for Barack Obama. Now you know who I am supporting. That's going to be the extent of my politics in this venue, because if you got me started I wouldn't stop. The intent of blogging is to bring up to date news about Sophie and Nolan. I know, I know...not so up to date today, but I promise to post something fun soon. Enjoy your weekend.