Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A conversation with Nolan...

Nolan: 'Mom. Where is Charlie Brown? Is Charlie Brown at work? Is DAD Charlie Brown?'
Me: 'No honey. Dad is not Charlie Brown.' (chuckle)
Nolan: 'I am Charlie Brown.'
Me: 'I thought you were Linus. You're carrying around that blue blanket.'
Nolan: 'No. I'm not Charlie Brown. Uncle Ben is Charlie Brown.'

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carter's Exit Photos

As of October 13th, Carter no longer has to wear his helmet. I am attaching his exit photos. I'm not going to say much about them. I think they speak for themselves. The progress he made is nothing short of remarkable. Looking back, I can't believe his head was that bad. BUT it was and I have to say I was in denial. I'm so glad we went to see the therapists at Cranial Tech. Amy was our consultant and she was so kind and gentle. Cranial Tech is an amazing company doing wonderful things for children and families. I will never hesitate to recommend them to someone else. Carter keeps shaking his head back and forth, I think it must feel like when you get several inches of hair chopped off and suddenly your head feels light as a feather. Other than that, the transition does not seem to be bothering him. He slept through the night last night and I anticipate another succesful night tonight. Feel free to leave a comment with questions. Have a look at Carter's improvement:

Monday, September 20, 2010

October 13...No more helmet

Most of you know this already, but we found out last week that Carter will be in his DOC Band for about 3 more weeks. Our graduation day will October 13! Just in time, for Carter's First Birthday! Now, his head will not be 'perfect', but the strides we have made in the last 5 months have been nothing short of amazing. I was so worried and concerned about this process when we found out that we were doing it. Now that the end is here, I realize the whole experience was not nearly the ordeal I thought it was going to be. We've had many compliments on his helmet, what a cute baby he is and questions about why he wears it. My whole attitude was to tell people why he wears it and tell them that it's been a great experience. Then in the future they can pass that information onto the information if the need arises. Carter is such a great baby and this helmet never really seemed to phase him. He is the perfect kid for this experience. Now, there will be a bit of sadness when it comes off. I know him in it and that will be different. He rocks it don't you think?! But, at the same rate, when he cries I can cradle him behind his neck and get cheek to cheek. That really isn't something I can do right now and I've really it. Bittersweet.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nolan Quotes

Nolan: Look Mom! It's New York City. Daddy lives there.
Me: No, honey. Daddy lives with us. He works in the city.
Nolan: In MY red brick house?
Me: Yes, honey. YOUR red brick house.

Grandma Janet: Nolan, Carter can read books with us. OR he can just chew on the covers.
Nolan: (Looking at Carter's crib) Where are his covers?

Me: Nolan, I have to clip your nails. They are out of control!
Nolan: What? Did they run out of batteries?

Grandma Janet: Nolan, tell mommy about the whales you saw on the computer today.
Nolan: Baluga, Orca and Humpback!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

New Helmet

Carter will get his second DOC Band a week from Wednesday. So I have been debating about the new paint design. I don't like to do anything to 'baby' as you can tell from his current helmet. I am contemplating doing something similar and keeping with the flames. We have gotten lots of compliments and he looks really really cool. But I've also thought of using a tattoo design or going with a skull and crossbones since we are fixing his head. All of these will still keep with the motorcycle look. But I am open to suggestions and if you'd like to chime in with a comment please feel free to do so. I've added some of the designs I've found online to give you an idea of what I'm thinking.