Thursday, October 14, 2010

Carter's Exit Photos

As of October 13th, Carter no longer has to wear his helmet. I am attaching his exit photos. I'm not going to say much about them. I think they speak for themselves. The progress he made is nothing short of remarkable. Looking back, I can't believe his head was that bad. BUT it was and I have to say I was in denial. I'm so glad we went to see the therapists at Cranial Tech. Amy was our consultant and she was so kind and gentle. Cranial Tech is an amazing company doing wonderful things for children and families. I will never hesitate to recommend them to someone else. Carter keeps shaking his head back and forth, I think it must feel like when you get several inches of hair chopped off and suddenly your head feels light as a feather. Other than that, the transition does not seem to be bothering him. He slept through the night last night and I anticipate another succesful night tonight. Feel free to leave a comment with questions. Have a look at Carter's improvement:

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