Friday, August 20, 2010

Nolan Quotes

Nolan: Look Mom! It's New York City. Daddy lives there.
Me: No, honey. Daddy lives with us. He works in the city.
Nolan: In MY red brick house?
Me: Yes, honey. YOUR red brick house.

Grandma Janet: Nolan, Carter can read books with us. OR he can just chew on the covers.
Nolan: (Looking at Carter's crib) Where are his covers?

Me: Nolan, I have to clip your nails. They are out of control!
Nolan: What? Did they run out of batteries?

Grandma Janet: Nolan, tell mommy about the whales you saw on the computer today.
Nolan: Baluga, Orca and Humpback!

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