Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Carter needs a helmet...

As most of you know, Carter now needs the DOC band which is an orthopedic helmet. Carter has a severe case of Brachycephaly (flat head syndrome) with a minor case of Plagiocephaly. The difference between the two is simply the location of the head flatness. Most of Carter's flatness is directly on the back of head and Plagio is usually located on one side or the other. This is condition hasn't really existed until recently and with the awareness of SIDS came the Back to Sleep Program. Before SIDS most parents placed their babies on their bellies to sleep, but my generation has been taught to do the exact opposite. At this crucial stage of brain and head development, the soft skull is now lying on a flat surface that essentially deforms the head. Young babies also have a tendency to be in bouncy seats, car seats and play mats, all flat surfaces. Without the ability to sit up the child has no opportunity to get their weight off the back of their head. So, it's plain and simple. My son has a very large noggin and he lied on it too much. Therefore it is flat in the back, the crown of his head is too high and it has pushed the majority of his brain forward of his spine. Don't be alarmed. This does not seem to affect his milestones, brain or cognitive development. I just don't want him to be an SNL alien skit for the rest of his life!
So, Tuesday, through a company called Cranial Technologies, Carter will be fitted for a DOC Band to correct this defect. The 'helmet' only weighs 6 ounces and he will have to wear it for 23 hours a day for the next 3 months. We will be traveling weekly to Clinton, CT for fittings, which is about an hour and 15 minute drive. We went last Tuesday and he had a digital 3D image taken of his skull and from that they make a cast of his head and from that they handcraft his helmet. Each helmet is unique to each child and we will be painting ours so people feel more comfortable approaching him. The poor child is such a flirt and so social, I can't image him not being able to make eyes at ladies in the grocery store. I have attached a couple of links below so you can understand his condition. Please feel free to leave questions or comments for us. I am happy to answer anything you might be curious about. I will also try to buy more memory space on my page and post some before and after photos for you so you can understand more about what's going on. We have taken this on with gusto. Now that we know our insurance will cover his procedure, we are just running with it. As soon as I have them, I will post photos of Carter rockin' the helmet!



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