Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Belly, the Ticking Time Bomb...

We are within 2 weeks of my due date. There is nothing big to report, except to say we are just waiting. Chris is ready, Nolan is as ready as a 2 year old can be and I am definitely ready for this little man to make an appearance. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick tock....
I think Nolan is going to be in for a big surprise when Baby Brother Rhodes is finally here. He talks about the baby in mommy's belly, but it's such an abstract concept for a 2 year old. He asks me if the baby will open the door and walk out? Um...no, but thanks for asking. He's also asked me if the baby will come out and talk to him? Of course, I have to explain that the baby won't be able to talk for a very long time, but Nolan can teach him new words. I think he was a little bummed out about this.
Right now, I go to the hospital weekly to get a Non-Stress Test on me and the baby. I also get an ultrasound weekly. So the docs have a close eye on the baby and he's doing just fine. Other than that we are waiting. Nolan was on time, so the OB expects this one to be early if anything. We'll see. You can't predict these things, God knows I'm ready. We'll try to keep you posted here if anything develops. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...

1 comment:

carrie fudickar said...

When Will asked Barbara how Wolf was going to get out, she told him. He looked at me and so, "that's gonna hurt!" And P.S., It was an abstract idea for this 32 year old.