Monday, August 3, 2009

Tomorrow we close!

First of all, let me apologize for being a bad, bad blogger. I haven't even logged-in  in a couple of weeks. Lately, I've only been putting up pictures and still have about 300 photos sitting on my camera waiting to be downloaded. I'll get to them soon I promise. In the meantime, so much has been going here. As some of you know, Chris and I have been in the process of buying a house. It took us by surprise, but all of a sudden the right opportunity and the right house. The house was built in 1975, and we are buying it from the original owner. It has been a super stressful experience. We have been waiting for about a month and a half to close and finally the day is here. Tomorrow is our closing date and we will officially be receiving the keys. Now, we won't be able to move for at least a month. As I mentioned, the house was built in 1975 and there hasn't been much updating since then. You will hear us talk about the brown bathroom, pink bathroom, yellow bathroom and bird bathroom. I like to call it the 'bird bath'. We will be doing some cosmetic renovations for the next several weeks. We have given our contractor a 4 week timeline, but he's a contractor and by nature I think he's obligated to go at least 2 weeks over. Tomorrow, Chris and I will take some 'before' photos along with the obligatory photo of us in front of the sale sign dangling the keys and looking like dorky first time home buyers. I'll get those posted as soon as possible and keep you up to date on the renovations. 

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