Monday, March 30, 2009

Nolan's going to be a big brother!!

It's official! We are announcing our big news! Some of you know, some of you do not. We wanted to wait until the first trimester is over, but there is no hiding my condition! I'm pregnant! I'm 11 weeks along, so that first trimester will be over soon. I haven't been feeling all. I've been sick several times since I found out I was pregnant, 2 ear infections, strep throat and a upper respitory infection. Fun stuff!! BUT I'm on the downhill side of the second ear infection, so that's good. It's just preventing me from getting in the pool, which is my main source of exercise. I have had a lot of morning sickness, as many moms can tell you is a misnomer, it's ALL DAY/ALL NIGHT sickness. But mostly I've been really fatigued, so I'm ready for the second trimester and that lovely burst of energy. It will also help when our weather changes and we finally see the sunshine. I've attached our first sonogram photo...this was our 8 weeks appointment, so it was taken about 2 weeks ago. It might be hard to see, but that little snowman shaped blob is the baby!! Nolan likes to 'kiss the baby' which is my bare belly! The other day he put his finger in my belly button and pulled it out and said 'I got the baby!', holding his finger up in the air!! I only wish it were that easy!! 

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