Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I know I've been lazy...

I know I've been a bit lazy about my blog. I was sick ALL last week and I'm only now recovering. Strep throat is SO not fun!! I thought I had an ear infection, but it was inflammation in my throat.  My only relief was to put some heat on that side of my face for 2 days. I'm mostly better now, but I'm still SO tired. I'm on the 9th day of my antibiotics, so hopefully it all be over very soon. SOOOOooooo, I'm sorry there aren't anymore photos or posts lately. We've been sick and now I've had my head down in Nolan's schedule and the time just gets away from you. I'll get something of value up soon, I promise:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grandma Toni can't get enough Nolan pictures ya know......
Glad you feeling better. Now I have it thank you very much!!