Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I know I've been lazy...

I know I've been a bit lazy about my blog. I was sick ALL last week and I'm only now recovering. Strep throat is SO not fun!! I thought I had an ear infection, but it was inflammation in my throat.  My only relief was to put some heat on that side of my face for 2 days. I'm mostly better now, but I'm still SO tired. I'm on the 9th day of my antibiotics, so hopefully it all be over very soon. SOOOOooooo, I'm sorry there aren't anymore photos or posts lately. We've been sick and now I've had my head down in Nolan's schedule and the time just gets away from you. I'll get something of value up soon, I promise:)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oopsy Daisy

This morning Nolan was eating his cereal at the table. I was trying to get his lunch packed, because on Tuesdays we go to Nursery School at the JCC. I wasn't far away, maybe 10 ft and had an eye on him, but things happen SO fast. Evidently, Nolan put his feet up on the table and pushed off! Over he went. Now, his booster chair is strapped to the dining chair and he is strapped in the booster. So, Nolan went full force with the chair. Unfortunately, Sophie was napping on the rug, right behind him and in front of the back door. Good for Nolan, but bad for her. Her ribs took the full impact of the fall. The back of the chair hit her and she stood and knocked Nolan onto his side. He banged his head on the floor, but the rug was there and Sophie really cushioned the impact for him. She never flinched, never whined, yelled or cried. Even now, she seems fine. Nolan was SCARED out of his wits. Immediately reached for the straps to let himself out of the chair, but felt so helpless because he couldn't move. I got him out immediately and knowing he wasn't hurt since I saw the impact, just cuddled him and told him it's alright. You want to know the first thing he said? Not I'm hurt, not I need a kiss. He screams 'I hurt Sophie! I hurt Sophie!' What a love. He was hysterical for 2 or 3 minutes and then he was fine. Sophie's fine, we gave her hugs too. She was sweet and put her paw on Nolan's arm as if to say 'Everything is fine.' What a love.

Monday, February 9, 2009

For Grandma Toni...

Just some of the latest photos of my handsome Nolan...