Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bubble and Squeak

Bubble and Squeak is Chris's nickname for Carter because of the gorgeous new baby sounds he makes. This is for the Grandmas...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Disaster on Day 2

It's only my second day home with the boys by myself. Yesterday was Chris's first day back to work from paternity leave and they day went rather smoothly. As a matter of fact, it was very uneventful. BUT is a much different story. Chris left this morning and Nolan had his first entire helping of food since Saturday. On Saturday, Halloween, Nolan woke up from his nap running a 101 degree fever. Needless to say, we had to skip Trick or Treating this year. Sunday he seemed fine, but still not eating well. Monday same, Tuesday he had a small cough and runny nose. BUT he woke up with a crazy nasty cough. He sounds like a whooping, barking seal. It hurts your chest just listening to it. So, I've been trying to keep him apart from Carter, but the most I can do is make sure he doesn't touch, breathe or cough on him. I only have 2 hands after all. Nolan has a nebulizer at home, so after going to the park and playing outside this morning, we came back home and he had his Xopenex. It helps control his cough and his wheezing. Then off to bed for a nap. He told me he was hot and that he was tired. He didn't feel like he was running a fever, so I took him up and put him straight into nap time. I came back downstairs and on the monitor I could hear the coughing. It sounded like someone who had been smoking for years. Then...YACK! I turned on the video on the monitor and could see that he had thrown up all over his pillow. He was practically lying in it. Carter was still asleep in his car seat from our trip to the park, so that gave me the opportunity to run up and confirm the pukage. Sure enough, he was still throwing up when I got there. SO, we took off our clothes and sheets. I threw Nolan into a bath and simultaneously put new sheets on his bed. 20 minutes later we were clean, puke free and in pj's ready for our nap. He ended up sleeping for a couple of hours. Fortunately, that's the only puke incident on record so far today. We went to the doctor and Nolan only has a viral infection, I was a little nervous it was the flu once the puking started. Nothing like a good puke fest on your second day home alone with the kids to get you indoctrinated as a 2 child parent. I just wish he would feel better.