Sunday, July 19, 2009

Thanks Uncle Ben and Aunt Amanda!!

Nolan has been taking a soccer class in Greenwich on Saturday mornings. Of course, I think he is the most talented, most coordinated 2 year old in the class, but I might be a little partial...just a little! Last year Ben and Amanda got Chris some pop up goals for his birthday. This summer Nolan and Daddy have been using them regularly to practice for his soccer class. Yesterday, Uncle Ben and Aunt Amanda sent Nolan a Team USA kit. He LOVES wearing soccer kits and wanted to put it on IMMEDIATELY. Chris set up the goals and had a little 'training' session with him. So these pictures are possible because of Ben and Amanda. Thanks again guys!!!! Do you think Arsenal is calling? 

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The World According to Nolan...

According to Nolan...

'Boys have pee-pees...girls have shirts.'