Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Quotable Nolan Rhodes...

'I saw boats on the waters!'

'Sky is on top of the house!'

'Poo-poo diaper.' Then proceeds to lift his leg and points...'Mommy, smell!'


Mommy: 'Now, what do you say?'
Nolan: 'Thank you, Daddy's Car.'

Mommy: 'Now, what do you say?'
Nolan: 'Thank you, Mommy.'
Mommy: 'Your welcome, Nolan'
...10 seconds later...
Nolan: 'Welcome.'

'Ambulance-car', 'Mail-car', 'Police Car-car', 'Helicopert'

After sitting on the airplane for 3 hours and waiting to de-plane, Nolan reaches up and touches the overhead bins. 'I touched the big airplane!!!' As if sitting in the seat for this whole time wasn't touching anything.

'Uncle Ben's Big Truck'

'I see Conor and Maddox! I see Conor and Maddox on the TB!'

As we pull out of the garage...'I go backwards.'

After putting his finger in my belly button...
'I touch the baby!'
After pulling his finger out of my belly button and then holding it up...
'I got the baby!'
Mommy: 'If only it were that easy, Nolan...if only it were that easy.'

Monday, April 20, 2009

Long Lost Photos of Snowman

I wasn't here for this fun project. Nolan and Chris were having a Bachelor's weekend while I was in San Francisco. This was the remainder of our last big snowstorm and Chris decided that it was time to build Nolan his first snowman. I guess Nolan was pretty proud of it, because when Sophie decided to tear off the snowman's arm...Nolan got really upset and yelled at her.

Easter Morning in AZ